The church of St. Wallericus in Espeler
The tower of the old chapel from the time of Empress Maria Theresa was rebuilt in 1780 and has been preserved. The high altar of the wood-paneled church dates from the 18th century and features a relief of the resurrection in the niche and a figure of the patron saint Wallericus or Wallerich in the upper part of the altar.
On the two side altars are altarpieces of St. Barbara and the disciples of Emmaus. Other saints depicted here are Gangolph, Quirinus, Anthony of Padua and St. Barbara, who crown the altars. In accordance with the reform of the Council, the altar table was made from parts of the former communion bench at the beginning of the 1980s. The pulpit with volutes and rocaille ornaments from the 18th century is crowned by St. Michael the Archangel.
Saints Barbara and Wallericus are commemorated in Espeler in December. The feast of the disciples of Emmaus has always been celebrated on Easter Monday.
Source: Churches and chapels in East Belgium by Freddy Derwahl and Johannes Weber

The “Steinemann”, not far from Espeler, is the venerable Hubertus Chapel, a little off the beaten track in an extensive wooded area. It was built 120 years ago as a result of a private pledge.
The “Steinmann” adorns the flag of the music association.
The chapel was completed by the Espel resident THEISS-BREUER Johann in 1882 as a thank you for the “divine grace” shown to him for a successful surgical operation on his wife. Ms. Margarethe THEISS-BREUER had health problems and had to undergo a serious operation for the circumstances at the time.
This area has aroused the minds of historians and genealogists since ancient times and so it is not surprising that Roman finds have repeatedly been made in the vicinity of the chapel over time, as this area was criss-crossed by Roman or even pre-Roman roads.

Am Eulenstein
At this point there was a place name “Am Eilfsstein” i.e. at Ulfstein and now we know where the romantic Eulenstein on the way from Espelermühle to Oudler comes from. It has nothing to do with owls and takes its name from “Ulfbach”.
If you leave the road from Oudler to Thommen and follow a dirt road to the left, you come to a hill from which you can enjoy a wonderful view over hills and valleys. If you cross fields and meadows on roadways, you come to a group of trees, the preservation of which is thanks to a farmer who defies the trend of land consolidation and takes the trouble to maneuver the tractor and plow around this “obstacle”.
The adjoining pastures border on a spruce forest and once you have them behind you, you are faced with a natural beauty of rare value. The “owl stone” and on the rocky slope, cartilaginous oaks grow wildly together. The “Owl Stone” is a unique natural formation in our area and is a listed building.
A worthwhile destination for nature lovers.