
Formerly known as the train station path, RAVeL is a car-free flat road, usable for the hiking, riding and cycling network. Maps are available in the Tourist Info Burg-Reuland for 4.50€ in FR/NL and DE/EN.

If you see the following signs while being on the road, then you just saw the Velotour points cyclists use for their tours. You can get a free map in the Tourist Info or create your own online route! (Scroll down)

These signs are made for Mountain bikers. A map with all of the east belgium MTB routes is available in the Tourist-Info Burg-Reuland.

Velotour Points
Plan your Route
Thanks to the Ostbelgien Google Play Store App and Website, you can pick the points you want to pass and the kilometers you want to make, creating your own route and following the Velotour points.